
Programme Management Unit – National Digital Literacy Mission CSC e-Governance Services India Limited 3rd Floor, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003.


(For NGOs/ Educational Institutions/ Corporate)

The NGOs/ Institutions/ Corporate desirous of providing digital literacy courses under the National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) are to meet the following requirements/ standards:

  • A training partner must be an organization registered in India, conducting business in the domain of education/ IT literacy for more than three years and having Permanent Income Tax Account Number (PAN) and audited accounts of statements for at least last three years.
  • The institution/organization should be registered under any act of law in India,e.g.,in the case of a company it must be registered with the Registrar of Companies, in case of Society, it must be registered with the Registrar of Societies as so on and so forth.
  • The partnermust have clearly defined objectives,well-documented processes and procedures covering the entire range of education/IT literacy training.
  • A training partner shall be responsible to have or appoint the Training Centres in the identified Districts/Blocks/ Municipalities/Gram Panchayats that would impart digital literacy training to the beneficiaries.
  • A training partner shall be responsible for ensuring that the training centres adhere to the NDLM requirements.
  • A training partner shall be accountable for monitoring the overall working of the centres that fall under its purview.
  • A training partner shall be liable for accurate and timely reporting of the aforementioned work ascribed to the centres.
  • After successful assessment, candidates will be given industry recognized certificates
  • Average Monetary Reward from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 12,500 (fresh training) and Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 2,500 (Recognition of Prior Learning)for certified candidates can be used to pay Training Partners towards the cost of training

Code of Ethics

Training Partners participating under NDLM are required to adhere to the following code of ethics:

  • Should NOT exaggerate, to gain unfair advantage, the contents of the course(s) for which accreditation has been granted.
  • Should NOT guarantee benefits to student that is actually false or not fe asible.
  • Should NOT project insufficiently supported claims of excellence in connection with employment.
  • Should NOT distort statement of Government for own gain.
  • Should NOT make statement offensive to the public. This includes release of advertisements that are in bad taste.
  • Should NOT make statements of an ambiguous nature presenting a false picture in any stage/part of the schemeof accreditation including hardware/software as also omissions and half-truth.
  • Should NOT involve in any other matter/action repugnant to the spirit of ethical practices,including, behaviour to/by the beneficiaries,unauthorized use of copyrighted software,etc.

Points to consider after Accreditation

  • Accreditation given in the name of a partner organisation is not automatically applicable to its branches, centres,head office,franchises,licensees,etc. Each training centre is required to have independent accreditation.
  • Provisional Accreditation is granted for the entire period of the project.
  • Accreditation granted to a partner may be withdrawn,if it fails to adhere to the norms or for other specified reasons of accreditation.
  • Observers who are experts in the field will visit the concerned Training Partner and send their reports when complaints about the functioning of the partners are to be investigated.
  • If accreditation is granted,the partner institute is required to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NDLM PMU. The MoU shall spell out the conditions for working as a Training Partner under NDLM. These are obligations on the part of the Training Partners to follow functions and activities stated in accordance with the objectives of NDLM.
  • After accreditation, the training partners are expected to submit a monthly progress report to NDLM PMU. If any aspect of the programme is found to be unsatisfactory or in non-compliance of norms, NDLM reserves the right to revoke the accreditation.

Liability Clause

  • The training partner would be held responsible if the training centres have insufficient infrastructure as prescribed in the norms.
  • The involvement of the training partner in any fraudulent activities such as fake/duplicate registration of beneficiaries, overstatement of financials, misleading information, etc., would lead to its blacklisting from working with any government programmes in the future.
  • Training Partners are permitted to only use the logos of the SSC(s) that they are affiliated to under the PMKVY Scheme. The Training Partner must get the written communication validated from the Sector Skill Council before using the SSCslogo. The Training Partner/Centre should strive towards ensuring high quality of training to the beneficiaries. If the quality of training is found to be unsatisfactory, the PMU may levy the following penalty:
  • * If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training centre is more than 70%: No penalty.

    * If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training centre is less than 70% and above 55%:10% of the total training fee.

    * If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training centren is less than 55% and above 40%:20% of the total training fee.

    * If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training centre is less than 40%:The corresponding Training Centre(s) would be delisted from participating under the Scheme and appropriate financial penalty may be levied.

Eligibility Standards

The training partners shall ensure that the Training Centres desirous of providing digital literacy courses under the National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) are obliged to meet the following desirable requirements/standards:

  • A training centre must be part of a registered organization in India with proven training and facilitation credentials in the domain of education/IT literacy
  • After all the documentation is completed by Training Partner,NDLM PMU will verify the documents and approve or reject the application.

Desirable Physical, Human and Technical Infrastructure Requirements

Physical Infrastructure

  • Minimum carpet area of 200-500 sq.ft.
  • One class room to seat 5-20 students.
  • Located within the Panchayat boundaries.

Technical Infrastructure

  • Minimum of 3-5 Operational Computers(Laptop or PC)with genuine/licensed software.

* Out of 3-5 computers, one shall be a low-end server.

* All computers should have been connected on a local network.

  • One High Resolution Web Camera.
  • Reliable Internet Connectivity with the minimum speed of 256 kbps.
  • One printer and scanner.
  • One Mobile Phone and Tablet
  • Biometric devices prescribed by NDLM PMU.

Human Infrastructure

    Each training centre shall have a minimum of one teaching faculty, with qualifications as below:

  • One High Resolution Web Camera
  • Reliable Internet Connectivity with the minimum speed of 256 kbps

Beneficiary Admission and Administration

    In addition to online records, Centres shall maintain separate record for the following:

  • Admission details (Date of admission, level of admission, etc.)
  • Registration(Address including Village, Block,District and State; E-mail Id; Mobile no.; UIDAI No.(wherever applicable); Date of Birth; Mother/Father Name and Photograph)–As per NIELIT’s Examination Form Fields.
  • Selection norms
  • Attendance sheet
  • Learning progress details
  • Assessment results


राष्ट्रीय डिजिटल साक्षरता अभियान

ध्यान देने योग्य बातें -

    1. इस योजना के अंतर्गत प्रत्येक परिवार से एक सदस्य जिनकी उम्र 14 स 60 वर्ष हो एवं आधार कार्ड धारक हो, लाभान्वित हो सकता है|

    2. सामान्य/ ओ.बी.सी जाती वर्ग को 125 रु शुल्क व एस. सी/ एस. टी/ बी. पी. एल कार्ड धारक के लिए यह सूविधा नि: शुल्क है|

    3. आगनबारी कार्यकर्ती, आशा बहुएं व अधिकत राशन डीलरो के लिए नि: शुल्क तथा अनिवार्य है|

    4. यह कोर्स 20 घंटे का है जिसको 10-30 दिनों में पूर्ण कराकर ऑनलाइन, कैमरे की उपस्तिथि में एक घंटे की परीक्षा करानी होगी|

    5. परीक्षा के दो से तीन दिन में परिणाम घोषित कर दिया जायेगा व सफल परीक्षार्थीयो का अगले 15 दिनों में प्रमाण पत्र उपलब्ध हो जाएगा|

    6. परीक्षा का मूल्यांकन राष्ट्रीय स्तर की प्रमाणित एजेंसी जैसे NIELIT, IOS, IGNOU आदि से स्वत्रंता बाहरी मूल्यांकन कराया जाएगा|

      डिजिटल साक्षरता का मुख्य उद्देश्य व्यक्ति को आइ. सी. टी साक्षर बानाना है ताकि वह कंप्यूटर, डिजिटल जैसे टैबलेट, मोबाइल आदि को उपयोग कर सके, ई-मेल प्राप्त और भेज सके तथा सूचना के लिए इन्टरनेट का उपयोग कर सके|